Are You Avoiding These Rookie Missteps?
The good news is that vegetarians tend to live longer than nonvegetarians, but the bad news is: 84% of people who try to be vegetarian lapse within one year and return to eating meat. This is probably, in part, because they haven’t managed to avoid some critical dietary missteps that keep them on track and feeling positive about their new vegetarian life.
Humane Research Council, 2014
So let me ask you, do you eat processed vegetarian foods?—and nowadays, there are all kinds of imitation meat–like vegetarian versions of meatloaf, chicken nuggets, or deli meats, and any time you eat processed meat – those plant proteins that have been processed at high temperatures promote cancer-causing agents to develop. In fact, health experts consider processed meats as cancer-causing as smoking cigarettes. So this the first major rookie mistake.
World Health Organization
The second rookie mistake involves not eating enough protein for your body’s needs. Protein is more readily found in animal products, so when you cut out some, or all of those…you need to make sure you are still getting enough protein. The first place to start is google online vegetarian protein calculator. Once you know your protein needs, find a plant protein chart online, and see how your meals are shaping up. Not getting enough protein leads to muscle and bone loss, lower immunity and slower recovery times.
Ok, do you know how much calcium you’re getting—because this is one of the biggest mistakes people make. While it’s totally doable to get enough calcium while on a vegetarian or vegan diet, don’t kid yourself. Those non dairy milks and yogurts you purchase are not going to contribute that much protein. Hummus, trail mix and even peanut butter don’t contain that much protein. The easiest way to get lots more plant protein? Add A high-protein plant-based smoothie every day.
The 4th common mistake is Filling up on the wrong kind of carbs. Simple carbs like white rice or pasta can be satisfying, but they won’t provide the fiber, whole B vitamin complexes and other nutrients that whole grains offer.
And the fifth mistake…not getting enough omegas. Some of you might be okay with taking a fish oil supplement, but if you want to go plant-based, remember that a large amount of ALA is required to produce adequate blood levels of DHA, and it is generally recommended to consume an additional 2 grams of omega 3s per day . We suggest you fill in your dietary gaps of omegas with a plant-based, no fish, omega blend capsule.
Finally, if you’re ready to move to higher levels of performance and vitality and you know you don’t get the recommended levels of 9-11 servings of produce per day, consider adding a whole food, plant-based plant powder to your diet. We recommend the #1 plant powder on the market that has proven health benefits like DNA protection and immunity support. Best of all, these plant powders have been thoroughly tested for chemicals, and pesticides and are certified non-GMO and gluten-free. That is a must when purchasing plant concentrates—you don’t want concentrated pesticides, do you?
I’ve got a bonus tip for you: If you want to give vegetarianism a try, transition away from meat gradually, hang around others who are vegetarian because it helps to have a support system, especially when you dine out, and find healthy ways to address your cravings like pre-planning your meals, eating enough calories throughout the day and adding nutrient-dense foods like nuts and whole grains to your plate.