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Learn what to eat and remove those fearful food moments forever.

  • Goodbye, One-size-fits-all! Get personalized nutrition recommendations specific to YOU
  • So long, Unsatisfactory! Level up your cancer-fighting capacity or vitality with a simple plan
  • Hello, Clarity! Learn about your unique “Focus Foods”
    Based on your profile answers, you’ll receive a list of powerful foods or nutrients that offer the highest health potential for YOU.
    that you’ll want to eat every day


Don’t waste time trying to sift through all of the OVERWHELMING, CONFUSING and COMPLEX information on the internet.

With the My Nutrition IQ Personalized Plan, you’ll receive easy-to-follow advice that is created just for you by healthcare professionals who specialize in functional nutrition.

Without a solid plan, you risk missing out on the things most precious to you: a robust lifestyle and a chance to create memories with those who matter the most.


Eat with a solid plan in mind​

Stop feeling powerless when it comes to your food choices


Have it all laid out for you​​

Stop feeling paralyzed by information overload ​​


Spend more TIME living and less time worrying​​

Stop second-guessing yourself and no need to wait for a cancer nutrition consultation ​​


We care about you and the moments that matter most to you. There are things you can do to take control. Cancer doesn’t get to win this fight!



Answer Questions.

To Create Your Profile.


Order your Personalized Plan.

Get Advice Specific to YOU.


DEVELOPED BY Cancer Dietitians and Nutritionists
TRUSTED BY Thousands of Cancer-Concerned Clients

My way forward is so clear now...
After my treatment for stage IV cancer, the path forward was very unclear. With this personalized plan, my nutritional life-path forward is clear and, so far, cancer free! I am so glad that I don’t have that kind of stifling confusion that stopped me in my tracks as I walked out of the cancer clinic. No more second guessing myself!
Chris R, Harvest, AL
I felt the positivity and compassion...
This program is amazing! I truly wish we had found Cancer Nutrition IQ sooner, but we believe we still have a good chance after seeing our step-by-step plan! There are so many tips and takeaways, but we loved most of all the way the information was laid out in a way that felt comforting and clear at the same time.
Joanne from Mineola, NY
I'm much more confident about my food choices...
I believe my personalized plan has been largely responsible for the fact that I have felt better than even before I was diagnosed with cancer! I cannot ever tell you what a bright light this has offered me. I feel so confident about my food choices now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Cari B from Oak Lawn, IL
I can feel the changes in my body's strength...
In late 2020, my closest friend was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-40's. This was my wake up call as I have a young family the same age as hers and the thought of navigating a diagnosis like that was scary. Because of Cancer Nutrition IQ, I have a whole new appreciation for what I am feeding my body and the impact it has to prevent cancer. I am grateful for the learning so far and I can feel the changes in my body's strength.
Julie W, Okotoks, Alberta
It's all about prevention for me...
After I found out about our strong family history for cancer, I knew I needed to learn more about how to take better care of myself. I didn't want to be the next one diagnosed with this dreaded disease! Once I saw how simple it was to follow my prevention plan, I immediately felt safer for my future.
K. Allison, Fort Collins, CO
This plan is an answer to our prayers...
I got a little emotional in the middle of looking over my plan, just because I realized what a blessing it is to finally know what to do. This plan is an answer to our prayers and we could not be more thankful.
Melissa from MN
It feels so good to feel like I’m on track...
I shared with my doctor some of things I am doing nutritionally and he was really, really gung ho about what I was doing. It feels so good to feel like I’m on track and that my doctor thinks so too!
Sally from MS
We feel like we know what to do now!
We weren’t getting much guidance after we came home. We did our own research but that was just getting us confused. We feel like we know what to do now!
TK from MD


most people who are trying to fight cancer have limited access to the proper advisors that can help them filter out the noise and find a plan that will ease their healing journey. Researchers recently investigated over 200 outpatient cancer care centers and found out that there are more than 2,300 cancer patients for every one dietitian or nutritionist. No wonder anyone who is cancer-concerned is confused!

That’s why we have created Cancer Nutrition IQ!  We believe that everyone deserves a healthy, active, cancer-free life! But to have that, you need to be incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to your nutritional habits. The problem is that there is too much information out there that can cause you to freeze up. Or, maybe you take some of the advice but have lingering thoughts that maybe the advice you took doesn’t apply to you. It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and learn exactly what you need to do for yourself.

We know how important is to gain robust health and a calm mind. It’s time to stop worrying about what to eat so you can spend more time making memories with those who matter most to you. We understand what you are feeling and thinking because we hear from people just like you who want the right information and relief from the guesswork. We also know that it can be expensive to get this kind of personalized attention and that cancer treatment bills can prevent people from seeking advice from a nutritionist or dietitian. This is precisely why our cancer dietitians and nutritionists have worked diligently to develop an easy-to-understand, affordable and personalized plan that can help you get on track without stressing you out and breaking the bank. 

Here is how we can help you!

  1. You take the free assessment and get a customized (based on your Cancer Nutrition IQ) action checklist to help you make important dietary changes right away.
  2. You order the personalized plan by providing a bit more information specific to you. You will gain access to a comprehensive, yet simple plan that gives you a quick summary of the foods you’ll want to focus on and science-based information if you wish to dig deeper. And you’ll get so much more because we believe in providing over-the-top value for our clients!
  3. Begin nourishing your body with the foods and nutrients that will power up your cancer-fighting potential! You’ll have peace of mind knowing you are arming your body with foods that fight, not fuel, cancer. And, you’ll be on your way to living the life you desire!

So, take the free assessment today and find out where you are, and get a glimpse of where you are going. In the meantime, head over to our Facebook Community at so you can cut through the clutter and join a community of cancer-fighting champions!

Looking for a really deep dive into nutrition?

Connect with one of our qualified dietitians/nutritionists for individualized advice and attention!

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